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Downtime = Time during a fight in which the party or certain jobs cannot damage the boss due to mechanics. Could also refer to new things being created or made available to players. I was a big fan of FFXI, and Im enjoying FFXIV even more. Example: to delay the global cooldown (GCD), usually from "weaving" too many abilities or from not pressing the next GCD action in time. (iLvl 50) Additional sets added every expansion at each new level cap. CE Critical Engagement in The Bozjan Southern Front. Keeper Referring to Keepers of the Moon, one of the two Miqote racial clans. When youre still learning how to perform the mechanics of a particular fight, and have not yet cleared it. Ill list some of the more common terms that pop up frequently, but fight-specific strategy terms may not all be on here. [Practice] : The party is only running the duty to practice mechanics. Barse or Purse run may be used as euphemisms for the word parse. What does BARSE mean as an abbreviation? Did you use your defensive CDs (Rampart, Vengeance, etc.)? One of the catchup mechanics is the removal of time-gated drops. BiS Best in Slot. Players must abide by the terms and conditions of the game to avoid getting banned for . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. WTB = Wants to buy; Used when advertising that you are buying specific items or services from other players. Prog = progression, most commonly in higher-end duties (e.g., prog from X mechanic onwards). Raidwide = An enemy attack that damages the entire party. "Selling P8S healing services, 1M/hour"), but soliciting for mercenary services (e.g., "Offering 2M per player if we clear P8S") is allowed. Equipment designated with "Advanced Melding Forbidden" cannot be pentamelded. Logs Referring to FF Logs. Sold = Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery; A obsolete currency that was used to purchase item level 100 equipment and crafting materials. Bots use /sh for spamming real money services, but that doesn't make /sh bad for the game. TEA The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate), a level 80 Ultimate raid. Wild charge = A line AoE that will deal significantly higher damage to the first player hit, requiring a tank to stand in front of the targeted player(s) to mitigate damage. Tankswap When an Offtank takes over the boss attention and becomes the Main Tank, usually because of specific fight mechanics. A minigame associated with the Gold Saucer where you use cards obtained from duties and challenge NPCs or other players. Damage. PUG / Pugging Pick up group. You can customize your HUD by going to System > HUD Layout. The positioning for certain mechanics is relative to the position of the boss. Your email address will not be published. Learn how your comment data is processed. Has a timer and gives rewards like experience and company seals upon completion. A bleed effect. Selfish = A job that deals higher personal damage than others in the same role due to lack of party utility (e.g., raid buffs). Uptime Can refer to time spent actively damaging the enemy (especially autoattacks for Melee DPS), or time spent keeping up a buff or debuff. Meteors Typically refers to a mechanic where one or more circles on the field must be occupied by players in order to prevent party-wide damage and/or debuffs. GATE Gold Saucer Active Time Event, which spawns every 20 minutes in the Gold Saucer and allows you to earn a chunk of MGP. [Duty Complete (Weekly Reward Unclaimed)]: Only players who have cleared the duty may join. Player - PvP activities are The Wolves' Den, Crystalline Conflict, Frontline, and Rival Wings. Clocks: Everyone will be assigned a spot on a cardinal or intercardinal position for a mechanic. May also refer to loot that is limited weekly. FF14 Best DPS Classes (Latest Patch 5.4) A . HQ = High Quality ; A higher quality version of a craftable item or gear that will give higher stats than it's Normal Quality (NQ) counterpart. For Savage tier final bosses, P1 and P2 can refer to Part 1 and Part 2. An N indicates the normal version, but it is sometimes omitted. They are numbered by their occurrence in the Main Scenario, followed by release order. Pull = To acquire the aggro of a specified monster to attract it to the party or on to the tank and off of a party member. Often telegraphed by a purple eye icon, but may be untelegraphed in high-end duties. Spam Repeat an action quickly or back to back. The Epic of Alexander, commonly abbreviated by players as TEA, is an Ultimate raid introduced in patch 5.11 Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Wipe = A combat situation in which every member in a party is defeated. WP = The Wanderer's Palace; Entry-level level 50 dungeon that drops iLvl 55 gear. EU European. Failing either will lead to a wipe. Myth = Obsolete. Hey im just asking out of curiousity when does the leaf next to my name disappear ? Basically experienced players helping one or more individuals with beating encounter. Thread: People advertising they're running Parsers. Cleave An (often untelegraphed) enemy AoE that targets a single party member but will damage anyone caught in the line of fire. These are weaved in between GCDs while they are on cooldown. A previously sent message was sent to the wrong recipient or chat room. Have you been bad? Femroe Slang term for a female Roegadyn. Nerf A game update that weakens a Job, or (rarely) a piece of content. Can also be in reference to a specific fight mechanic, where players always take their same assigned positions on the map/arena regardless of where the boss happens to be standing/facing. [Duty Incomplete]: Only players who have NOT cleared the duty may join. It immediately kills all party members, so the boss must be defeated before that point. Clock Positions Refers to each party members assigned position during a fight, spaced around the boss like the numbers of a clock. The healer was too far behind the tank and didnt have LoS around all these corners. Fish = To repeat an action until it randomly activates a desired effect, e.g. Exaflare = An enemy attack consisting of circular AoEs that will travel across the arena in the direction of the arrow telegraph. A1(S), A2(S) One of the 12 level 60 fights in the Alexander raid series. Weave Use an oGCD in between two GCDs. Pot = Potion OR any attribute-enhancing consumable used for quick burst damage (during high-end raids) OR Potency: the abstracted power of an attack, ability, or spell. Snapshots for enemy attacks often register upon when the attack cast bar fills and not with the attack animation. The raid is split into 13 parts called "Turns", with turns 6 to 9 known as the Second Coil of Bahamut and 10 to 13 as the Final Coil of Bahamut. Melding skill speed materia on that piece is only useful if it moves you up a tier. MRP = mature RP. Static = A group of players that meets at pre-scheduled times, usually to do high-end duties. An N indicates the normal version, but it is sometimes omitted. A large-scale level 70 raid thats part of the Eureka content and storyline. Also referred to as "walling". I have a few long term goals Im slowly working on. It is a right tributary of the Seine into which it flows at Saint-Parres-aux-Tertres, near Troyes.. Communes along its course. Usually embodies each Job's iconic fantasy aesthetic, and is shown off in expansion trailers. Personally I don't understand why we're using parsers in non-static based groups now. Patch A large game update. Could also refer to the special time out placed on a player by a game moderator for breaking ToS in some way. Proc = Programmed random occurrence. May be affected by server latency. Jewelry is used by every single class from combat to crafters and gatherers. Contrast to "wall-to-wall/W2W" pull. The tank facepulled the dungeon mobs, so naturally they walked straight past him and attacked the rest of the party. Slidecast Moving just before your spells castbar is complete. A linear series of quests with a special meteor icon. CP Crafting Points. 1-8), indicating the order they will take an attack. Players will acquire the Artifact Armor for his or her job upon reaching level 50 and following through Main Story Quests. HC Hardcore, often referring to a statics goals, intentions, or time commitment per week. To get a housing plot I stood there spamming the placard for ages. Also refers to a set of items that are required to perform the upgrade. Jump (DRG), Assassinate (NIN). OOM = Out Of Mana/MP; Used to announce to allies that you are very low or completely out of MP. Bot = A character that is controlled by a programmed script instead of a human player. I want to do the DRK storyline, but I have bad tanxietymaybe Ill ease into it through squadrons and deep dungeons. LD (Living Dead), WM (Wanderers Minuet), ED (Energy Drain). Theres no raidwide attack coming up for a while, so let your regen tick instead of casting another GCD heal. Hand crafted genuine stones such as turquoise and others, along with sterling silver and other precious metals makes our brand and company unique. Blind = Entering a duty without having consulted a guide first. These include Hallowed Ground for Paladin, Holmgang for Warrior, Living Dead for Dark Knight, and Superbolide for Gunbreaker. Cognate with baars, Barsch, fastus. Blind: The party is attempting the fight without the use of guides or outside help. PvE Player versus Environment. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. FFXIV is not known for its PvP scene, but it does exist. Regen Regeneration effect. Harder than the story mode version of the trial, but not quite as hard as savage raids. Mog Station The website where you manage your account settings, buy subscription time, and purchase things from the cash shop like Job boosts, cosmetic items, and gift codes. The crafting Jobs. Often used negatively, when the boss is not supposed to be turned. My swiftcast was down, so I slapped a regen on the tank and started hardcast raising people. May also refer to Hello World, a mechanic from Alphascape V4.0 (Savage). AV = The Aurum Vale, the Lv. DF = Duty Finder; A system implemented to automatically create parties of players that are wishing to enter a specific duty or instance. This page was last edited on 25 December 2022, at 07:55. CT Crystal Tower. The perch; any of various marine and freshwater fish resembling the perch. Used as a greeting or farewell. This option only applies to the current Savage raid tier. Bring DPS: The party leader expects high levels of damage. If you die again while its active, it becomes the more severe brink of death debuff. Required fields are marked *. I died to trash, so I just released to avoid the weakness debuff. Atma = The first upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. Artifact Armor or AF are the iconic armor sets for each job. Trash = Enemies found in dungeons and some older raids that comprise the majority of the enemies in the instance and are weaker than bosses. TBN The Blackest Night, a level 70 Dark Knight defensive oGCD that creates a 25% HP shield on a player and restores mana if the shield breaks. TT Triple Triad. DPS = Damage Per Second or a job that focuses on dealing damage. Novus = the third upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. MT = 1) Miss Tell, sending a whisper/tell to the wrong person. Chariot = An enemy attack type consisting of a point-blank circular AoE, requiring players to be outside of the hitbox or further away from the enemy. . Raubahn EX = A running joke in the community that referred to a bottleneck quest battle at the release of Stormblood that was started by talking to Raubahn. When you see the enemy cast bar blinking red it means you can interrupt that cast. . Clear for One/C41: The party leader has cleared the fight, and is helping someone else clear. Often used to indicate "No bonus" - i.e. E9S was easy, but my group is still working on E10S. Braindead: Refers to strategies that are much simpler or easier to execute than its alternatives. Sync Adjusts your Job level and/or item level set to a specific maximum for a duty. Tanks, Melee, and Physical Ranged. Powerlevel Level quickly through focus and efficiency. I love your site. Artifact Gear One of the sets of level cap Job equipment given to a player as a result of quest completion. If there are less than 4 fresh clears, no chests will drop. Thank you! Those people are likely in prebuolt groups that support their parse attempts, not random PF clears. What does BARSE abbreviation stand for? Cognate with baars, Barsch, fastus. Gaze = An enemy attack that requires players to look away to avoid. ESO = Elder Scrolls Online, a competing MMORPG. Flare = A player will be targeted by an enemy attack that will inflict proximity damage to those nearby, requiring others to move away from the target player. A# = Alexander raids, with the number indicating the "floor". The most useful class of all crafters is Goldsmith because it makes jewelry. Bio Can refer to the Arcanist damage over time action, but is also a slang way of telling people you have to go use the washroom. If it expires, the party will be removed from the instance. CNJ Conjurer, the base class of White Mage. LFG Looking for group. I was playing too greedy and I paid the price. There was a new feature released last patch that Im quite enjoying. I love your glam! Generally considered a dump stat. Often mentioned in the context of handling mechanics in savage or extreme content. Do you have enrage exp for this fight? 2 chest = No one has cleared the duty for the week (Note this setting can be enforced with [Duty Complete](Weekly Reward Unclaimed)); 1 chest = 1-4 players have cleared for the week; 0 chest = 5 or more players have cleared for the week. MidnightAmazon 8 yr. ago. Cheese: Refers to when a mechanic is executed in an alternate way in order to decrease its difficulty. How to Stop Paying Teleport Fees in FFXIV, Grand Company Seals and How to Spend Them, Beginner Guide to Deep Dungeons: PotD and HoH. Tanxiety The unease or fear of messing up when queuing for content as a Tank. Atma weapons are nominally iLvl 100, but with stats between 90 and 100. Commonly used in shout chat; indicates you want to join an existing party. Could also refer to substat breakpoints if discussing gear. INC = Incoming: warning for incoming enemies. "Warriors of Light" are characters who attended the Battle of Carteneau and represent all 1.0 characters. Trap / Trap Party A party (in party finder) that is not performing well in a fight and seems unable to progress, especially if the party has overstated their capabilities/competence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The matchmaking system of FFXIV, through which you queue up for duties. A resource used to perform actions while crafting a recipe. You are assigned to a blue waymark, which makes your partner the other person on a blue marker. MC May refer to Main Character, as opposed to a players alternate characters. Stack (Verb) = For multiple players to stand very close together, often required for boss fight mechanics. Consider that in an environment where several familiar players are speaking about a specific Jobs toolkit, they may use acronyms instead of typing out an entire skill name, e.g. ACT Advanced Combat Tracker, the most commonly used damage parser by raiders in FFXIV. What is the strongest DPS class in Ffxiv? Common phrase at the end of a duty. BR north is considered the direction the boss is facing, regardless of where true north is. OCE = Oceanian. Often advertised in party finder. the target of an upcoming attack). A full-service advertising, marketing and public relations agency. DH = Direct Hit Rate; Replaced Accuracy as a stat. BARSE Meaning. Derplander The male Hyur Midlander who acts as the player stand-in seen in game trailers. Refers to the level 50 set of Alliance Raids, unlocked in Mor Dhona. D1 / D2 / D3 / D4 = Designates the DPS roles in a full party and used for mechanic positioning assignments. Twister = A mechanic originating from The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 in which players must move at the end of a cast bar to dodge instant-kill AoEs that will spawn under their location. You will typically have more than enough time to get out of harm's way, but that varies from enemy to enemy. Often used to complete older content with ease at a higher level. Boss Relative Usually in reference to a specific fight mechanic, players take their assigned positions in relation to the boss position at that time. It is required that a crafter attain enough quality points in the crafting process to produce a High Quality item. Egi A minion of the Summoner Job e.g. Originates from The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1. Book Run: The party is clearing the fight for its Savage token without aiming for specific loot. Opener = A sequence of actions used at the start of an encounter designed to maximize damage and set up the job's rotation for the rest of the encounter. I feel like kicking someone from a group based on numbers is . Victoria Rose. WR = The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate), an ultimate-difficulty 8-player raid. The equipment appearance you have on display. An uptime strat is a strategy for a mechanic that allows the party to handle mechanics while allowing more jobs to damage the boss during the mechanic (e.g., melees being within range or reduced movement for casters). Cardinal One of the four cardinal directions: North, East, South, and West. Dynamo = An enemy attack type consisting of a large circular AoE with a circular safe spot inside the hitbox of the enemy. Braindead = Usually refers to a strategy for certain mechanics that reduces the amount of decision-making needed by players to increase ease of execution. WoL Warrior of Light. 2) Main Tank, the tank responsible for handling the main/hardest hitting enemy in a fight. 3) A phenomenon where a profoundly singable song comes on in a bar and everyone starts singing it. (e.g., high-end gathering nodes have perception breakpoints for certain yield ranges). Iqueued up for this dungeon as DPS so I expect to wait a little longer to find a group. Fresh: The party is entering the duty for the very first time. Rot = Refers to some debuffs that can be passed between players with contact. Defeating the first boss will not reward loot but will give the party a checkpoint that they will restart from if they wipe to the second boss. E# = Eden raids, with the number indicating the "floor". AK = Amdapor Keep; An entry-level level 50 dungeon that drops iLvl 60 gear. And behind the closed doors of virtual houses and apartments, much more went . FFXIV = Final Fantasy XIV. These accounts are usually banned in large waves every few weeks. LFG hunt train. LC = Limit Cut, a mechanic in which each player is marked with a number (e.g. DoH = Disciples of Hand; Classes that utilize crafting materials to create various items and gear (ALC, ARM, BSM, CLN, CRP, GSM, LTW, WVR). UCoB The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), a level 70 Ultimate raid. I recently transferred my character from NA (Primal DC) to EU (Chaos DC). Congested The World Classification of a server that currently has a much higher population than the other servers on its Data Center. The party leader expects members to use damage increasing potions in their opener and in DPS burst phases. Haha, I totally forgot that some of these acronyms do have other meanings; Ive updated several of them now. I powerleveled to 80 but Ive just been winging it; whats my rotation? Basically the opposite of a point-blank AoE. TYFP Thank you for party. IGN In Game Name. This is not the level required to equip the item. 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