Cuisinart Ad

Cuisinart: If you can sell an empty box
you can sell anything.

Years ago Cuisinart had trouble with initial response to their product. It was perceived as only something restaurants or catering halls would use. And it was priced far above any food processor on the market. The owner of the company decided to send free Cuisinarts to every cook that wrote a cook book or any that had a TV show.
The result was immediate endorsements from several authorities on cooking and Cuisinarts started selling at record-breaking pace. In fact, a month before the holiday season, sales were so good the company had nothing left to ship. For any appliance / gift oriented company not having product for the holiday season is abosolutely disastrous. This potentially horrific situation called for a terrific idea.

The Empty Box Idea. We told Cusinarts, to run an ad to consumers, that would say, “If you buy this empty box” (pictured in ad), we would guarantee delivery right after New Years”. Although leery of such an ad approach, Cuisinart went for this thinking (which was truly out of the box).

The result: 20,000 empty boxes were sold. Healthy Growth

I launched the website with a TV campaign emphasizing that this brand is not a “fly-by-night” web only company. That it had been around for a long time, and was a company that could be trusted when ordering products on line. The idea: “Why trust your health to anyone else?”
Sales went up 300%.

NuSpecies: NuMarket

I re-wrote & branded the website for this natural nutritional supplement (NuSpecies) to make it appeal to a more affluent audience. I wrote & designed landing pages in the site that played off a TV campaign. The TV was designed to lead people to the site to buy products that improve their health. Their products help in dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and arthritis.
Customers have been flocking to the site,
and are expanding their market two-fold.

RD Legal

RD Legal Funding: Great Facts for Factoring Company

I re-branded a financial company called RD Legal funding. From logo design to website to national print and radio. This factoring service was targeting lawyers waiting for their fees from settled cases. With the campaign tagline of “You can wait for your fee, or you can call RD” the hits on the site had gone up 40%.
Their factoring numbers went from $35,000,000 to $50,000,000.

Head Start

Head Start: Great Finish.

I led a marketing effort for a bus, subway & radio campaign. This was a city wide direct-response campaign for NYC Head Start. This non-profit, early pre-school educational program, was short on enrollment. How did this effort work after 2 months?
It gained 1,800 plus in enrollment. At $8,000 per enrollment, it increased their federal funding to over 14 million dollars.

Vee Technologies USA

Vee Technologies first launch in USA:
A quick study, gets long-term results.

Without knowing anything about outsourcing, I learned the business in a week, and wrote a 46 page website for one of the largest outsourcing companies in the world. Their expertise includes, processing Insurance, Healthcare, Legal, Logistics and Engineering. I also followed up with redoing dozens of their marketing materials.
The site has generated hundreds of leads in
the US, and several huge new business wins.